Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mobs of parents, nannies, and babies are showing up for story time at New York City libraries

Over half a million people.

That's how many New York City locals attended a story time event at one of the city's library branches for the recently concluded fiscal year of 2015. That's an increase of nearly 28% since the end of the 2013 fiscal year.

Indeed, story time has become such a go-to event that lines form outside the front door at some branches well before the library even opens--an array of parents or nannies with children in tow--with free admission tickets handed out on a first-come, first-served basis. Crowds have swollen so much that the 67th Street branch holds story time outside during the summer, with upwards of 200 people attending.

The popularity of the old standby has gained so much steam that the New York Public Library plans on hiring an additional 45 children's librarians.

Toddlers 18 months to 3 years of age are allowed to attend (with an adult, obviously). But fear not, adults! Many of the same branches also hold an Adult Coloring Book Club events.

It's all cyclical. You start out reading, but when you grow up all you really want to do is just color.

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