Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Delaware bedbugs are voracious readers.

Delaware libraries have a small (heh-heh) problem, in that returned books are increasingly showing presence of bedbugs.

According to the city of Wilmington's library system director, Larry Manuel, it's not a crisis necessarily so much as "one here, one there – we're not talking about hundreds."

Bedbug infestations tend to show up in increasing rates at travel locations, where guests get caught in a hotel, motel ("...Holiday Inn!"), or Trader Vic's Travelodge Emporium type location that might not have been properly disinfected. Libraries, on the other hand, have largely remained safe from the scourge.

Things took on a new angle in the Delaware libraries bedbug wars when in the town of Selbyville a chair was found infected. The chair was removed and the building was treated by an exterminator.

The real question here? Considering that bedbugs only subsist off blood, all affected books were Twilight, right?

Source Story: USA Today

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