Thursday, October 29, 2015

Famous Writers with Cats: Robert Graves...special National Cat Day edition!

Writers need inspiration somewhere in life, and for many that inspiration comes from their pet cats.

This is a running series where we post pictures of famous writers with their feline companions--the cute, the cuddly, the creepy. And that's just the writers.

Today:  Robert Graves

Today is National Cat Day, where we honor our feline companions for not eating us in our sleep.

Here we see a prime example of why a gang of cats is more dangerous than the Bloods and Crips.

If Robert Graves with his hands in his pockets isn't the model enthusiastic cat owner, I'm not sure what is. Behind the wife and a small tree. YOU MUST BE SAFE!!

Look at the little one to the right. He's ready to pounce like Simba in The Lion King. And the black one on the left? Pure murder in his meow.

Anytime a hungry posse of pussycats get get together at dinnertime, you might lose a limb. Their bone-straight tails collectively suggest Graves and his wife were both eaten alive shortly after this photo.

Trees can't stop Mr. Whiskers. Only cans of Fancy Feast.


  1. Ther'san essay on the Net claiming that Robert Graves, 1966, wrote "Before Patrick came to Ireland, Cats were worshiped in a cave in Clolugh and Knoth." I'm not even sure which of his books is 1966. I've read several of his works and greatly admire his "Greek Myths".

  2. I've read a number of Robert Graves books. What a fine scholar he was. But in those books I've read, there's no mention of "The Cat", for all his historical research. But It's good to see the photo of him with Cats. Thanks for putting it on the web.
