Friday, January 17, 2014

The most read story on New York Times online in 2013 wasn't a story at all.

In all of 2013, nothing generated more interest on The New York Times website than a wannabe Buzzfeed play-a-long that deciphers regional dialects. You know when you're at work burning five minutes and feigning productivity at your desk? Yeah, those types of quizzes.

The real stunner isn't the lack of general interest in reading actual stories on a site that produces stories, but by what a level of disinterest. The New York Times posted that dialect quiz on December 21, 2013, meaning it had 11 days to generate page clicks before the year was out.

By comparison, stories about the Boston marathon bombings (April) and a newly elected pope (March) had eight and nine months, respectively, to generate page views--and still came up short.

Sad. Or, according to the dialect quiz, I'd say it's "sahd."


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