Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Woman works on getting masters in LOLCat

No, seriously. She's getting a masters in Can I Has a Cheezburger.

Kate Miltner is smarter than all of us. Why? She's getting a masters in internet memes--like the lolcats and anything else that tickles our collective fancy on the internet for about five minutes before we're easily distracted by something new. Look! A chipmunk set to dramatic music!

She's smarter than the rest of us because we didn't think of this first. Anything can be researched in-depth if you put your mind to it (and find a very liberal-minded faculty at a university).

So I'm just putting it out there first: I want to research the complexities of Glee. I've never watched the show, but I assume there's a hundred page paper in there about obsession, bad showtunes, and extensive jazz hand usage that's just dying to be examined.

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