Friday, September 30, 2011

Majority of Icelanders believe in elves.

Elves are in all of the most god-awful best works of fiction, starting with the myriad of elves from Tolkien and proceeding all the way to Dobby the elf from Harry Potter.

And it seems the folks in Iceland are pretty certain that Dobby isn't fiction, but actually a scathing tell-all on the life of house elves. His death is on your hands, Harry!!

According to a study conducted by the folklore department at the University of Iceland, the majority of Icelanders believe in the existence of elves. 25% of locals said elves likely or definitely exist, while an extra 37% said it's probable.

It's also probable that it gets lonely in Iceland. Long dark nights and all, you know? Plays with the mind. Unless elves are really just roaming the entire island. In which case, someone should get that Ghost Hunters show out to Iceland. There's no way 62% of a nation believes in elves unless there's a black market elf-smuggling operation funneling out of Santa's workshop. Just sayin'...

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