Monday, August 1, 2011

"When it's time to thrown down, Jane is ready to destroy you."

So says some video game developer about a Jane Austen video game. Yeah, that Jane Austen, who is always the first person I imagine with Ivan Drago tendencies.

The game will be like the illegitimate lovechild of Scrabble and Street Fighter, with you living vicariously through a variety of literary individuals--like Agatha Christie and Edgar Allan Poe--as they spell and fight their way to supremacy.

According to the developer, "Simply put, Jane is a princess who doesn't need saving. She's beautiful, and she can also kick your ass."

Pssh, obviously. And don't even ask what Agatha Christie might be capable of. It probably involves brass knuckles and the ability to kill a man just by throwing a verb at him.

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