Monday, May 23, 2011

Report: Kids who have a savings account are six times more likely to attend college.

...where the joke's on them, as college will suck that savings account dry.

Ahh, I kid 'cause I care!

(No, really, it's gone.)

According to a report by the College Savings Initiative, if little Johnny or Suzy wander down to their local neighborhood bank (ha!) with their piggy bank and open a savings account, they're six times more likely to attend college.

That's all. Not that they actually have a really bloated savings account. Not that they open a 401k plan. Not that there are thousands in the bank from a really stellar summer at the lemonade stand. Just that there is a savings account in existence.

That seems a little weak for a study. It's the equivalent of having the American Dental Association say just having a toothbrush in the home means you're six times more likely to visit the dentist. Not that you actually brush your teeth. Not that you use Listerine. Not that you avoid sugary drinks. Just that a toothbrush exists in a bathroom cabinet somewhere. You're cutting a pretty wide swath with that definition then, no?

But if that's all it takes to make blanket statements in life, I'll say this:

If you're reading a blog at this very instant, you're 1,000 times more likely to be reading this one.

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