Friday, March 11, 2011

Professor Robert Kasmir is a very literal heckler.

George Washington University accounting professor Robert Kasmir was honored at halftime of a recent school basketball game for his financial contributions to the university.

After halftime, Kasmir apparently decided to shun every stereotype of professorhood and got himself thrown out of the arena by the referee.

According to the Washington Post, Kasmir didn't like a foul call against a George Washington player, and really let the ref have it. Cover your kiddies' ears, because this professor is a live wire:

     "Basically, I told the ref he was the worst ref I'd ever seen and he wasn't worth
     the $1,600 dollars they were paying him and that was it," Kasmir said. "And then
     he ejected me from the game....I think the official should never be allowed to officiate
     another game in the Atlantic 10, in college basketball, in the United States."

Ooooh, snap! That's grade-A trash talking right there. If Kasmir keeps this up, he might mock the ref's putrid 401(k) and lack of a diversified investment portfolio, too.

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