Friday, December 3, 2010

Hanukkah / Hannukah / Chanukkah: Then there's the whole pronunciation issue...

I always go to to answer the most pressing questions I have in life.

Take, for instance, something that has given me restless nights of sleep for years:

Is it spelled Chanukah? Hanukkah? Hannukah? And why hasn't someone come up with a definitive spelling in the 2,200 years since it started? No rush or anything.

Well, there's a very simple explanation. Hebrew uses a very different alphabet than English. Because of that, there's no definitive way to change Hebrew into English. Different opinions lead to different spellings, of which no two scholars seem to be able to agree.

That doesn't stop the comments section on from having unofficial experts tells us that, no doubt, it's spelled Chanukah.

Or Hanukkah.

Or Hanukah.

Or Chanukka.

Or Chanukkah

Or Hannukah.


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