Monday, November 22, 2010

Charles Wolock: the world's smartest person (with a #2 pencil).

Standardized tests are amazing things that tell a lot about a person. Specifically, they tell a lot about how well someone takes standardized tests.

This means we can tell a lot about Charles Wolock. Charles is a senior in high school outside Kansas City, MO. And according to the Kansas City Star, he had perfect scores on both the SAT and the ACT.

This means a variety of things for Charles:

1.) He's really good at standardized tests.
2.) Colleges and universities that blindly accept students based on standardized test scores just saved themselves five minutes and mailed out an acceptance letter to Charles without his even having to apply and waste a stamp.
3.) He probably has a really good supply of #2 pencils.
4.) People probably high-fived him a lot after he got his grades back.

I never took the SATs myself. (Long, sleep-inducing story that you needn't know.) And the only ACT I know of is the name of a low-brow mouthwash and an even lower-brow brand of microwave popcorn

But, hey, more power to Charles. Hopefully he gets a scholarship out of it. Or at least a gift card to Panera. Denny's, even. Something, you know?

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