Friday, June 4, 2010

Men are lazy.

Or busy. One or the other. Let's go with lazy though. It's more inflammatory, and it made you read this far.

Remember the Freakonomics blog I mentioned a couple posts ago? This will be the last one I mention. Swear. But they also have a post examining the "amazing" statistic that men are slow to graduate. ("Amazing"? Really now? Do they get startled at the magic put on by a clown at birthday parties for kids? Do they whip out crucifixes and scream he's the devil?)

The statistic says 185 women graduate for every 100 men. Except that's not true really. That only counts people who graduate in four years. And lo and behold, the majority of Americans take longer than four years to graduate. (Up top to my fellow slow peeps!) According to the Freakonomics blog, written by some people named Betsy and Justin:

According to the American Council on Education, the college student body has been 43% male annually since 2000.  If you are too lazy to do the math, this yields 133 women per 100 men.

Too lazy to do the math? Why, yes. Yes, I am too lazy. I'm an English major. And that required math class I took in college? I'm too lazy to remember it. Avoiding that required math class probably sets back your average English major from graduating a solid six years. Eliminate the need for math classes, and English majors graduate in three years.

((slaps hands clean))

That's right. We're solving crises all the time on this blog. Proactive laziness, if you will.

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