Sunday, June 13, 2010

Guilt over Reading

The one thing I particularly looked forward to after graduation was the luxury of curling up with at least one big fat book or perhaps a pile of them. I planned to hit the local library on June 2 and wander through the stacks idly leafing through anything in print that struck my fancy. My plan was to grab about eight of those little suckers and spend many luxurious hours lost in the printed page.

I have yet to get there. Financial straits are such that I find myself snarfing up any hours my job tosses my way. Since what I do involves a lot of driving and computer work besides seeing patients, much of the time I get home long after the library closes and so tired that I fall asleep in front of reruns of CSI. I have taken a quick spin through Barnes & Noble. Alas and alack! It is currently overrun with the summer fare of just way too many paperback romance novels!

Today is my day off. However, I worked a fourteen hour shift yesterday and Quelle Surprise! I fell asleep in front of reruns of CSI. Today, I woke up irritable and out of coffee which necessitated an early morning trip to Market Basket for a brick of Bustelo. Thus armed, I planned to clean the kitchen, paint the trim that has been beckoning all week, and perhaps sit down with a couple of chapters of the book I had unearthed from the nether reaches behind my computer.

Coffee in hand, I think 'Maybe I'll read a few pages while I drink this.' Three hours later, tears running down my cheeks, I close In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez. So much for cleaning and painting trim. Three weeks after graduation, I finally succumb to my guiltiest pleasure--reading.

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