Monday, April 27, 2009

Lights Camera

The beauty of a democratic republic like ours is that we are guaranteed no taxation without white representation, the right to a fair and speedy trial with an excellent prosecution and terrible defense, and your right to federally funded cell phones and cable boxes.

That being said, for English majors, the greatest benefit lies in your first amendment right to speak.

See, with that I can make a comment like, "Obama is far too centralist for his own good. I want him to adopt more socialist and liberal policies," and not be threatened to be killed.

Of course, the beauty in expressing an opinion is that you need to back it up as well. Here's where the crux of this blog lies: Learn how to phrase your opinion properly America.

Using the words "I think" or "I believe" for anything is a sign of weakness in your argument. I don't care what you think or what you believe in. If you haven't already thought out and know what you're saying it doesn't matter what you say 'cause it's halfhearted, boring, and probably wrong.

Case in point: "I think that NH is wrong in wanting to legalize gay marriage. I believe that it's amoral and wrong."

That's nice. You know what was nice as well? My late grandmother. She spoke in a very similar fashion so not to offend anyone. She was also beaten by the black and tans and wronged by the anti-papist movement of America, of course she learned to not say anything that would offend anyone. She also made bullets by the fireplace for the IRA when she was a child as well. She may"think" and "believe" something, but her actions spoke far more than her words.

If you're reading this you probably don't know the first meaning of actual hard times and labor, lord knows I don't thankfully, and therefore have yet to fully exercise that right to free speech you have by being born somewhere other than "outside America"

So, to tie this back to the original half-hearted statement, phrase your ignorant beliefs in this fashion:

"It's wrong for homosexuals to wed because the Lord said it was wrong and sinners will burn for it."

A little rough on the tongue? Of course. But it's supposed to be. Assuming you have the position above, you're arguing from a platform of complete ignorance anyways. So damn it throw a bit of fire into the mix to represent what you're really saying.

Of course, these remarks of mine are timely after the whole Miss USA thing, but that's exactly my point. If you're going to make statements of complete ignorance and blind following at least be assertive in them.

Admittedly, of course, nobody really cares what she thinks anyways... she's not being paid to think. Nor is that Hilton bonehead for what it's worth.

Anyways, this also ties hand in hand with how to take a counterargument and offer a coherent one.

For instance: "Hey Tim, Democrats are nothing but a group of inefficient parasites such as Carter. Moreover the current administration can't even follow up on the Blue policies it meant to implement to begin with."

See that's good, I can't simply dismiss a statement like that. I need to sit down and really think about (hurr) what would be a good counterpoint to that.

Point blank, action verbs for everyone. Being verbs are called that because they represent nothing more than being. We are humans, we do. We commit actions.

When writing, saying, doing anything, make sure you're actually doing it.

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