Friday, November 5, 2010

The greatest threat to Washington, DC? Vowels.

See, back this past April, The Washington Post pointed out that the local Major League Baseball team, the Washington Nationals, had a little spelling snafu with their uniforms. Case in point:

You have to give them credit. It takes a lot effort for someone to misspell a word 25 straight times (one for every player on the team) and not give a damn. The "Natinals" should've played it off as a theme night. Huck Finn Speech Impediment Night! Something along those lines.

But the epic battle between vowels and professional sports' uniforms would rage on in Washington, DC.

This week, a sports blog, Sportress, caught the cheerleaders for the Washington Redskins (winner of the Team Most Likely To Have a Racist Name the Longest Award) sporting these lovely new blazers:

When you confuse people about racist team names, you make them forget what they were angry about to begin with. Checkmate, my friends. Checkmate.

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